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Home Design + Decor

Home Design + Decor Working Mom

New year, new blog, new house

February 22, 2016

Hello…happy new year!  Wait, I know.  It’s not a new year anymore.  But I actually started to write this post and launch this blog in early January but life kind of got in the way.  But I’m able to finish it up on the plane back home after two back-to-back business trips.  Two sentences in and I’ve already digressed. Anyway, I am in denial that we’re almost in March in the year 2016. In my head, 1997 felt like two years ago.

Back story: I attended my first blogging conference about eight years ago when I started working at a new job in Houston.  It was when blogging was really starting to get huge, and I worked with national food brands who were interested into tapping into the influence that “mommy bloggers” had in the digital space.  I began to develop PR and social media strategies for reaching this new group everyone seemed to be so hot on lately. I attended conferences and met some really amazing, regular moms  and “non-mommy” women who were sharing their everyday lives in fun ways. I thought to myself, “Hey, I feel like I could do this.” So, I  started writing blog ideas in a notebook. It seemed that I would often feel inspired about launching a blog when I worked with bloggers. (It’ll be interesting to share some of that content at a later date.) Then I never did. So, eight years later here I am. I’m kind of a procrastinator.

One of the main reasons I felt compelled to write and share the things I love is because of a pretty big change my family is experiencing: building a new home. This process started in June, and we are STILL waiting on permits, but we will likely be laying foundation in March. Seems crazy long, right? The process has been a true learning experience for us, and I want to offer some helpful tips about building a custom home in case anyone is thinking about doing that. It’s been exciting, stressful, enlightening and fun all at the same time. So expect a lot more on that on a regular basis.

But, in the meantime, I also want to share the things I love with you because I think you might just fall in love with them, too. My friends know me as someone who will share some of my favorite things, including latest clothing or restaurant discoveries, places I am addicted to working out at or even a recommendation on a hair stylist or doctor. I want to have a spot to share those things with you, and I hope this place becomes that.

And bear with me as I navigate the whole blogosphere. My intent is to create a place that feels authentic and comfortable, and for me, that means some trial and error. And googling. Lots of googling.  So while I am figuring this out, please feel free to share your thoughts along the way. Thanks for stopping by!

More soon,