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Holiday Pajamas for the Kids and Family

November 5, 2018
holiday pajamas, christmas pajamas, holiday pjs

It seems like when November hits, a light switch goes off and there’s a mad rush to get decked out in holiday gear. Unless you’re Hobby Lobby — they start around October 1 or late Sept. which is basically crazy town! I am one who feels like Thanksgiving deserves a little love, so I don’t think I can get the Christmas tree and other holiday decor out quite yet. But, I can appreciate seasonal pajamas, especially for kids. Here’s a post of Braden and his cousin from last year to help remind you of my love for seasonal sleepwear. I’ve found that you pretty much have to buy them now to get the good ones in the sizes you want. And, if you have high hopes of getting a matching set for your whole family, then you definitely need to jump on that.

I have already purchased a few pairs of PJs for this year now I can fulfill my cheesy mom dreams of dressing my two kids alike.  I’ve linked some adorable and affordable options below, especially with some really great deals for 30-50% off right now at some of my favorite retailers to pick up PJs for kids. I got these onesie PJs with cats for Emmaline, and I actually picked up this festive PJ set  for Braden and Emmaline last year and they have them again. I also think this firetruck set is so, so cute for boys. If you have nieces, nephews or friends with kids, these make great gifts to give now when you see them for the Thanksgiving holidays!

I put together one widget for the kids, and one for adults and family sets. I think this might be the only set I might be able to coerce Ben into wearing, or perhaps a pair of pants only in this pattern. Don’t be surprised if you see me documenting Braden and Emmaline’s matchy-matchy ways soon. 😉 Happy shopping!

PJs for Kids

Family PJ sets