Fashion + Style Food

Fall Favorite Recipe: Pumpkin Bread

October 18, 2017

fall baking, kitchen

There are two things I believe you should go big or go home on: baked goods and cheese. I think lowfat or low-calorie homemade baked goods usually taste terrible or unsatisfying. Same on the cheese front. I would rather just indulge in something delicious and satisfying in a smaller portion so I don’t feel ripped off.  Perhaps I just haven’t encountered a good recipe for a lowfat or healthy cake, pie or bread that I like, so I am certainly open to suggestions. I feel this way about ice cream, too, but I think there are some good alternatives with fro yo and coconut milk ice cream. But, I stand by the belief that you live only once and you might as well use some sugar or butter instead of unsweetened apple sauce to make something taste yummy. 😉

I eat pretty healthy most of the time, which basically forces my family to eat healthy, but as we enter my favorite season of the year, I want to start baking some of my go-to recipes that are more of a splurge from our regular eating habits. The world calls this season fall or autumn, but seasons can be so hit or miss in Texas.

So, I like to call this pumpkin season!  ‘Tis the season for all things pumpkin, including this pumpkin bread my friend Jeanette shared with me years ago that I believe she got from her MIL. I’ve adapted it a little over the years since I’ve made it so much, and I’ve included those notes below. I try to eat organic most of the time, and I’ve made note of that below in the ingredient list, but use absolutely whatever is in your fridge.

I haven’t met a single person who didn’t LOVE this recipe. Braden is a big fan, and if he knows we have it, he’ll request it multiple times a day until it’s gone! It also makes such great gifts for friends, teachers, neighbors, coworkers, etc. I’ve passed the recipe along to a ton of people, so I thought it was only fitting to share it here as well.

Ingredient List

3 1/2 cups flour

3 cups organic sugar (I reduced from the suggested 3 1/2 cups)

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons nutmeg

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

4 large organic eggs, beaten

1 cup water

1 cup vegetable oil ( I have also used Canola oil and it turns out the same.)

2 teaspoons vanilla ( I use Mexican vanilla  – my fave which I have also used in this recipe.)

1 15 ounce can organic pumpkin ( I stock up on Trader Joe’s canned organic pumpkin every year!)

1 cup chopped pecans


Sift dry ingredients together. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Pour into 2 well greased and floured loaf pans. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.* Test with toothpick. Can be frozen for later use. (I’ve never done this but I’m told you can.) Refrigerate after defrosting.

*Some ovens vary. My oven tends to be on the quicker side, and I just watch it and it usually ends up around 50 minutes bake time. It also depends on the loaf pans. When I make mini loafs, they definitely take less time.

I love this fall loaf pan my friend gifted me a few years ago. Williams Sonoma still has it and it makes such a pretty loaf perfect for the fall season. Another pan I love is this ruffled loaf pan. Also, I  always stock up on decorative, disposable mini loaf pans every time I’m at HomeGoods. These are perfect for teacher gifts, which apparently must be given at all times throughout the year. Who knew? I’m kidding (sort of). I didn’t discover this until this past year, so I’m all about the homemade baked goods as gifts since it’s something I can easily whip up with very little notice since I  seem to forget that I need to do this until the night before. Also, this kitchen towel, y’all. Kind of the most adorable pumpkin thing I’ve picked up as of late. How cute would this be as a gift with some homemade pumpkin bread?!



Breaking out the fall clothes

Pumpkin season also means cozier fall clothes. I love this tie bell sleeve sweater in an oatmeal color. It’s pretty lightweight, so it’s very wearable right now. I love the tie detail on the sleeves- very on trend right now, but the color of this sweater still makes it classic so I know I’ll wear it beyond this season. The creamy color makes it versatile for wearing with normal denim or colored denim. These jeans are so comfy and are less than $70! The hem makes them ideal for wearing with ankle booties. I’ve worn this top with wine-colored denim and some burnt orange jeans (two of my fave fall hues!), too.

fall loaf pan with leaves | pumpkin kitchen towel | mini loaf pans (similar) | marble serving board | tie bell sleeve top | Jeans | necklace

Let me know if you have any pumpkin recipes or other fall recipes I should try. I love to cook this time of year, and I plan to share more recipes soon!



Family Thoughts Working Mom

Thriving vs. Surviving

October 12, 2017

I’ve taken an unintentional hiatus from blogging and frankly a few other things in life because of my schedule the past few months. For the first time in probably 15 years, my workout routine has been relegated to twice a month spin or yoga classes, and I’ve definitely suffered from it since exercise is such a huge stress reliever for me.

I’ve felt a shift the past few months that has led to some big life changes, most notably me quitting my full time public relations job that I’ve had for nearly ten years. I’m currently working on a contract basis through October to finish out some projects and help my team transition then I’ll be closing the door to that chapter of my life.  What got me here? Well, I can attribute this decision to a couple of things that have happened over the past few months or longer.

New job for Ben = single mom half the month. In May, right after we got back from Maui, Ben started a new role (same company) which meant he was heading to Midland, TX for two weeks out of each month. This was a huge shift for our family, one that I knew would be hard for me and even harder for Braden, but I just didn’t realize how challenging it would really be. I am so, so thankful that Ben is a hands-on dad. We are both in the thick of it every day, tag teaming childcare, bedtime routines, pediatrician appointments, dinner – really everything. To have your other half taken out of the mix half the month is a shock to the system. For me, as a working mom it has been extremely hard to balance school pick-up and drop-off every day, dinner, bedtime with a toddler who recently made the shift to a big kid bed, etc. I’m sure this sounds like everyday life for many so you might be thinking I just can’t hang. But, I have self awareness to know that I was just getting more and more overwhelmed and was reaching my breaking point.

Braden just adores Ben too, so it was tough trying to explain to him on a daily basis that daddy wasn’t coming home for a while. We got him an airplane to show him that dad flies out, and we facetimed at least once a day. While those things helped, Braden still wanted his dad’s presence and that was something I could not give him, which left me stressed, frustrated and emotional, which then led me to be short on patience with him. This became a vicious cycle where I was becoming a stressed out mom that wasn’t being there for my family in the way I wanted to be. I didn’t want to be counting down the minutes until bedtime every night so I could have a mere 30-45 minutes of personal time a day. I started to feel really guilty that I was feeling this way and the guilt just started eating away at me.

I went to the lake in South Carolina last month, and I finally finished The Magnolia Story, the book by Chip and Joanna Gaines I started reading several months ago, but never quite got into it enough to finish it. I can read multiple books when I travel, especially on the plane so vacations are always great for me to catch up on books that have been on my reading list and I do recommend reading this one! One thing Joanna did talk about in the book was getting to a point of thriving versus just surviving. I was definitely surviving as a mom, and that was just not good enough and knew I needed to change something. My job is pretty demanding. I lead a team of great people, but I get pulled into a lot of different directions and usually work more than 40 hours a week, often bringing my laptop home to answer/catch up on emails or edit/review work people have sent me that I couldn’t get to during normal business hours since I’m in a ton of meetings. Jumping online after Braden went to sleep most nights left me mentally and physically exhausted. I realized work was the one thing I could control in my life so I decided leaving my job was the best thing for me and my family. I know I wanted to continue working, but I wanted something that gave me the flexibility I needed and realized that was working for myself. I have been approached for consulting or freelance work quite a bit over the years but never felt like I had the time to pursue it. It’s pretty common in my industry of PR and marketing to work independently. I think I was scared to take this on, but honestly, I know I am great at what I do, and I just sort of needed to take a leap of faith. So, I’m branching out on my own, offering PR and marketing services to brands and companies. I’m excited to start this new career adventure and am using the next month to try to get organized and learn as much as I can about starting a business.

Another huge reason I left my job was because it was adding to my stress level in a way that just wasn’t healthy for me. I became very anxious and really had trouble sleeping. It just kept getting worse and worse which impacted other aspects of my life. I didn’t have the energy or patience to be a mom to a sassy little toddler, and I became a wife that complained so much to my husband. I started to really hate that about myself. This wasn’t all work related – it was just one of the many layers that was causing me to NOT thrive.

People say it all the time, but the time when your kids are young really passes by quickly. I can’t believe I have a three-year-old. I want to be a present, happy mom that enjoys every day, and I need to be present more than ever since Braden is totally going through the threenager stage, testing us all the time lately. I have certainly had happy moments the past few months, but the stress was taking over, and I just couldn’t do it anymore.  I wanted to stop keeping my head above water. I want to thrive again so I can expand my family one day and be the best mom and wife possible.

People who know me in my day-to-day life know that I lost a baby last December pretty late in my pregnancy at 22 weeks. I mentioned it here, but didn’t talk much about it on my blog or social media. It was so devastating for me, and it really changed me. It’s hard to articulate just how much. I find myself looking at the piece of paper I have with her small little handprints and footprints and the jar with her little ashes, and it just hurts my heart to think about what life could have been with that baby. I try not to dwell on this too much because it’s obviously not productive or healthy, but I do often think about her and our little family of four I could have right now. It makes me realize how much I do want another baby, and I hope that happens for my family again one day.

This is getting really quite long so I appreciate you reading if you’ve gotten this far! Bottom line: I am making life changes that put me in a place to be thriving not just surviving. We only get one life and I want to live it fully and authentically.

So, what’s next for me? I’m focusing on myself a little. I am hitting the reset button so I get to a space where I feel inspired again. I’m not rushing every day to get some place when really the only place I truly want to be is at home with Braden. I’ve enjoyed leisurely mornings, making breakfast and not fighting traffic. I’ve only been doing this for a week, but so far I’ve really enjoyed it.  I’m learning how to navigate life as a small business owner with a flexible schedule working from home. I want to blog more as it’s been a fun creative outlet for me. I’m focusing on getting back into a workout routine again, so I feel good and less stressed. I know there are certain things I’ll miss about my job. I have a great team, clients I really love and get to interact with some smart marketers that have taught me so, so much the last ten years. Most people at work have been overwhelmingly supportive of this step I’m taking, and I’m so grateful for that and those people in my life. But, I know it’s time to do my own thing.

I’m not sure how it’ll all pan out, but I’m excited for this new adventure.

More soon,


Fashion + Style

Off the shoulder top with stripes

June 1, 2017
Shopbop sale, OTS, distressed denim shorts, English Factory, Straw beach tote

OTS, english factory, denim shorts, summer casual outfit

OTS, denim shorts, casual summer look

OTS, denim shorts

OTS, summer casual, distressed denim shorts, english factory, shopbop

Oh, how I wish I were in Maui sporting this outfit! I brought this simple white off-the-shoulder top with stripe detail with me to Maui a few weeks ago and paired it distressed denim, a go-to for me these days since it’s really starting to get HOT. Both the top and denim shorts are both pretty affordable, especially the OTS top, which I picked up during the Shopbop sale a few weeks ago and also featured here.

This denim can be a little short for some, but here is another pair I wear a lot that are still a good price point that aren’t as showy.  I will say, I am pretty leggy being nearly 5’10 so I think things just look shorter on me because I’m basically a giraffe. I think everyone should have a pair of casual denim shorts because they’re just so, so versatile as we enter these next few months. I can get multiple wears out of them without washing, too. Tip: hang to dry. You don’t want them to get any smaller (or tighter!) after going through the dryer. I am REALLY particular about the way I do laundry.  I feel like it’s helped me really extend the life of some of my clothes, especially investment pieces like classic denim. Maybe I’ll do a post on that soon…would you want to read that?

Side note: It’s been nice having the hubs home for two weeks so he can scratch things off our family to-do list (so much house stuff going on still. I’m not sure if it will ever end). He took on a different role at work so this is a new thing for us with an short-term, indefinite timeframe. I’m starting to get a little anxious about him leaving again next week. Eeek. Braden will be three in August, and I think that “threenager” stage is hitting us. Also, he just simply adores Ben. Like full on obsessed with his dad. It’s so sweet they have that bond, but sometimes I’m like…hey there, mom is here. I can be fun, too (in between making you eat peas and shoving vitamins down your mouth.). So threenager, mixed with all the change…pray for me, y’all. I just bought two more potty books and a sticker potty chart on Amazon last night. We’re breaking out all the stops including bribery, candy, etc. Sorry if you don’t care, but figuring out how to get my kid to poop on the toilet is basically a part-time job for me right now. #glamorous #momlife

I’m heading to my brother and sister-in-law’s  baby shower this weekend. I will be an aunt to twins — both a boy and girl  — come this August/September! Yea!

Hope y’all have a great weekend!

Outfit details: Top | Denim shorts | Sandals (old) – similar here | Straw tote (old) similar here

Fashion + Style Shopping

Bright Yellow Tassel Top & Memorial Weekend Sale Round up

May 26, 2017

yellow tassel top, white denim

I’m really embracing yellow lately. It makes me feel instantly cheery, and if an outfit can help boost your mood, why not? I’m wearing my go-to white summer denim that I previously wore in this post with this fun tassel top that I picked up for Cinco de Mayo.

I wore this outfit when we went to dinner in Maui recently. Tassels have been everywhere this season. From tops to accessories like clutches or straw beach totes, I’ve seen them a lot but haven’t taken part in this trend until now.

I’ve found a couple of other yellow tops that I love like this one shoulder top and this adorable yellow eyelet tassel top  that are similar since this exact top is sold out. The top I’m wearing is still available in black and white, though. For reference, I’m a small. (I’m typically a small most tops from AT.)

Outfit details: Top (sold out, see similar links to yellow tops linked above) | White denim | Shoes | Clutch | Earrings (old) | Bracelet (old)

A little life catch-up

I’m SO looking forward to having a three day weekend. We’re making a quick trip to go to my nephew’s birthday in San Antonio. I really need to do some unpacking and organizing this weekend. We moved into the house about a month ago, but I haven’t been home on the weekends since we’ve lived in the new house so I haven’t spent as much time getting organized like I’ve desperately needed to. And, it’s just not going to happen in the evenings after a full work day so I really need my weekends for this. We were in Maui for a week and got back on a Monday morning, May 15, after taking a red eye flight, and I had a client meeting at 4 pm that same day. (Horrible idea, but too many scheduling conflicts so it was my only option.) Then, Ben left the very next day at 5am to go to Midland for a week. So, I was on single parent duty for one week with a toddler whose clock was all messed up because of the Hawaii time difference, and I had to jump back into a crazy work schedule. No bueno, y’all. We are loving our new neighborhood and have some great neighbors with kids the same age as Braden and they have all become fast friends. It will be so nice to see these kids grow up together. But, to add to my week of transition, one older woman, a neighbor, who had really become quite chatty with Ben during our home construction and was very nice to us during the building process basically texted Ben out of the blue the day after we got back from vacation. This was the nastiest, most judgemental  text message. It was apalling actually. It’s sort of a long story, but she basically said we were sacrificing Braden’s happiness by being overly ambitious ( I can only assume she has problems with women who work outside the home) and that I was basically a bad mom. Talk about judgemental! If you want to tick a mom off really fast, then call her parenting skills into question. Needless to say, I will not be interacting with her anymore and she is pretty much on my sh*t list.

So, Ben is back home and all feels right again. I am very fortunate that I have a true partner of a husband, and he is such a hands-on dad. When he goes away, we manage but things are definitely easier when he’s here. My world is just better with both my B&b.

I’ll be recapping our Maui trip soon, so stayed tuned for more on that front!

I’ve rounded up a few of the Memorial weekend sales that I’m eyeing. I have a whole list of things on my home wish list so I will definitely be doing some online shopping over the weekend.

Memorial Weekend Sales

J.Crew: 30% off full price items with code SWEET

Anthropologie: 40% off sale styles online

Ann Taylor: 40% off full price items with code SUMMER and an extra 50% off sale styles

Banana Republic:40% off your purchase with code BRSUMMER

Gap: 50% off everything with up to an extra 20% off everything with the code MORE – perfect for stocking up on PJs, swim trunks and rashguards!

Nordstrom: Half yearly sale is going on with 40% off lots of great pieces for summer

Pottery Barn/PBK: Buy More, Save More  – up to 25% off with code SAVEMORE online and in stores

Serena and Lily: 20% off with the code AMAZING

Ballard: 20% off up to $499; 25% off $500+

Have a great weekend, everyone! Happy shopping! 😉


Fashion + Style Loving Lately... Travel

Shades of blue I’m loving lately…

May 18, 2017

blue and white summer fashion, beach style

It was definitely tough coming back from a week long vacation. I am still dreaming of the beach, so I thought I’d share a few pieces that I’m loving right now inspired by the beautiful Maui beaches.

My mini-me keeps asking, “When are we going to the ocean, Mama?”  I hope again soon! In the meantime, maybe I’ll just dress like I’m going there. 😉

1 | 2 | 3 | 4| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Fashion + Style Working Mom

Casual workwear

May 10, 2017

suede blocked heels, red blazer, distressed denim, casual workwear, white Jcrew shirt


        I have been working a ton lately, so I thought it was fitting to share a workwear post.  This is very typical everyday work outfit for me. My 9-5, (or 9-7pm+, as many who work in my industry know) is a relatively casual environment. I can get away wearing jeans half the week unless I have client meetings. I work in PR & marketing, by the way. I feel like jeans can really be dressed up in the work environment, especially when you throw a blazer or other jacket/cardigan with them.  Because my day changes so rapidly and I often get pulled into meetings at the last minute where I have to look more put together, this is a go-to outfit using classics that I can wear during multiple seasons.

The jeans I’m wearing are probably a tad more casual than what I would wear to work most days, but if I don’t have any client meetings, I think these are great. I love the distressed ends and they were a steal, too. If I am wearing flats I would uncuff the ends.

I have been on the hunt of a red blazer that had arms long enough for a while. When I saw this one came in a tall, I knew it would become a closet staple. Speaking of closet staples, I bought these suede block heels  a few weeks ago when Ann Taylor had a 50% off sale. I’ve mentioned here, but I am such a big Ann Taylor shoe fan. Their shoes are stylish, comfortable, well-made and are always at such a great price point.

And, I couldn’t pass up this linen-like popover shirt. It has a texture to it that makes look more polished since linen can get pretty wrinkly.

I am so overdue for a house update, y’all. We moved into the #lucasfamily home about three weeks ago and it has been chaotic. Our house is probably 95% done, so we still have people installing closet shelves, doing touch up paint, etc. so we can’t get fully settled until that gets done. It’s sort of a stressful environment to live in, especially while having and toddler and working crazy hours the past two weeks. I’m so thankful we had some family come the first week to help unpack us because honestly, we just didn’t have the time. I was out of town one weekend for work two weeks ago, and we’re now in Maui for a much needed vacation.  Then, Ben leaves for a week for a work trip the day after we get back from Hawaii. We’re pretty much non-stop over here!

I have not been able to unpack many boxes except for in the evening once B goes to bed, and my energy level to do that is pretty much nonexistent. We’re slowly but surely getting there and now that a lot of the little things around the house are getting finished, I’m hoping to establish a normal routine again!

Shirt | Jeans | Blazer | Shoes

Fashion + Style Shopping

Yellow Dress for Spring

April 11, 2017
yellow anthropologie dress bridal shower baby shower

yellow dress for bridal, baby shower

yellow anthropologie dress bridal shower baby shower


yellow dress, bridal baby shower, feminine

yellow dress baby bridal shower wedding

‘Tis the season for spring weddings, baby and bridal showers, luncheons and more! When I saw this yellow dress, I knew it would be perfect for multiple events I have on the calendar in the next few weeks. If you’re doing an Easter brunch that’s a a bit more dressed up, then this could work for that, too.

What really drew me to this dress is the feminine and classic shape, so it’s one that I know I’ll wear for more than one season. I’m not afraid of color and I think anyone can wear any color out there, you just have to find the right shade for your skin tone. I’ve heard people say they can’t wear yellow before. I disagree. I’m definitely on the paler side right now ( don’t hate me for saying that); I think this shade looks great on people with really tan skin but would also look fantastic on someone with really fair skin, too. I have skin that tans pretty easily — I’ve just been cooped up for too long! Can’t wait for a beach vacation next month, and maybe I’ll be more tan the next time I’m sporting this outfit.

Another thing about this dress I love is how there’s a subtle pink layer underneath the dress peeking through the yellow lace-like fabric. That makes it go well with the clutch. By the way, this clutch definitely looks more pink in person vs. what’s on the site here.

I recently picked up these earrings, too, which are so, so simple yet unique and can be dressed up and down. With a bright colored dress, I think it’s better to go with understated jewelry like these earrings and bracelet. You can scoop up these affordable earrings I’m wearing during another great ShopBop sale going on now! Early access started today, and you can use code “Event17” for 20% off or 25% off purchases of $500+ or more. Sale is through April 14 at 11:59 p.m.

Happy spring shopping!

Dress | Clutch | Shoes (old) similar here | Earrings | Bracelet (old) similar here | Sunglasses

Home Design + Decor

Lucas Family Home Progress: Quick catch up and wood floors

April 5, 2017
white oak, solid wood floors, custom home

wood floors, white oak, custom home

Oh, where do I even begin…

If I had to give any advice to anyone considering building a home, I would say try to stock up on patience because you’ll need it for this process! It’s been a crazy, crazy few weeks, and it’s been hard to even have the energy to write about it. We went through a very frustrating few weeks because essentially nothing was happening. Frustrated doesn’t begin to describe it. Let me try to sum it up for you since my last update on the home front which you can read here.

  1. We sold our current house. Yay! We had multiple offers, so we are very thankful for that. The clock started ticking  once we went under contract in Feb. We did not tell our builder we had the option for a lease back and instead told him that we had to be out by the third week in March to light a fire under him. It’s April, and we’re not in our house so that didn’t really work…
  2. We found out our builder was basically misappropriating funds. What does this mean? We would give him money, and then he would not pay subcontractors. The whole time we’ve been building, we have to sign over funds from our construction loan for the work that will be done in the next phase. We found out there were multiple companies who were owed money from Nov. – Jan. for work that had already been done or mostly completed.  Because  they weren’t getting paid, they weren’t coming back to finish the job or delivering materials for other parts of the job. For example, the company who supplies all the trim, molding and doors for the house wouldn’t start making our custom front door because they weren’t paid for all the materials from months ago. Our builder said, “I’ve been working with them for 20 years, that’s BS.” It’s BS that a company wants to get paid for a service they provided? How ludicrous, right? *Insert sarcasm times 10 here*
  3. We let the bank in on how terrible the situation was and they were pretty much livid. By this time, we had already extended our construction loan twice. To have it renewed a third time is pretty rare, and they were pretty much fed up with the builder like us. We made a plan to bypass our builder and start working with the subcontractors directly and issuing them checks vs. having funds given to the builder.
  4.  To fire our builder could cause more issues, putting our house into a holding period, so we were basically being held hostage by his poor planning and mistakes. He pretty much ruined all relationships with subcontractors by being so late on payments. We consulted with multiple attorneys. We threatened legal action. We actually got in contact with another couple who is also building a house with our builder and they were having a similar, frustrating experience with him. We ended up meeting them in person, and walking them through our house which is much farther along than their house is. It was nice to meet very nice people to commiserate with. Half of this couple is an attorney who specializes in construction law. It was shocking to us that our builder would be this daft.
  5. In an effort to get out house done, we started dealing with the subcontractors and started paying them directly. Ben basically took over as the builder, lining up workers, paying people what they were owed even though that money was already dispersed to the builder. The hope was we would just get that money back after suing the builder.
  6. Ben had a little come-to-Jesus talk with the builder, who gave us a mediocre apology and promised to “finish our house.” Once everyone was paid and work was being lined up, we allowed the builder to get involved again, but we still would not issue any funds directly to him. All trust was lost here, so I wasn’t about to sign over any money to him.
  7. Work started happening pretty regularly again. There was still so much poor planning on the builder’s part  with the coordination of getting people in at certain times, etc. But, things were at least moving along.
  8. The countertops were put in the house. We did marble throughout and everything looks great! We went back and found some different marble a couple of weeks ago because the place we got it from, 3KA Stone, had some new options come in from Turkey. I love the clean look of white marble.
  9. Painting happened recently and that was A LOT of work to get done. A ton of prep work goes into painting. We chose colors months ago, which was such a hard process. We kept things pretty neutral and added some color on cabinets, Braden’s room and the bathrooms. I will probably add more color in the dining room and other areas once we figure out furniture and how I want to decorate everything. I will probably do a whole other post on paint at some point.
  10. Floors were stained a few days ago, as you can see from the pictures. It was hard to decide the color. Part of me wanted to do a lighter stain, which you see so much of now in modern farmhouse style homes or coastal homes. But, I’m pretty traditional and wanted a traditional stain would stand the test of time. We ended up doing a color called coffee brown. Fitting since I love me some coffee. 😉 The pictures were taken before the flooring people put down a coat of polyurethane, which seals the floors and makes them look so much better. They look a bit dull in these pictures but look great now that they’re sealed. They’ll get another coat of this later this week and be 100% done by the weekend. Will post more pics soon.

So, that’s pretty much the abbreviated version of what’s gone on as of late. We closed on our house last week so we’re renters at this point. Our house looks like it’s been hit by a tornado right now with boxes in corners everywhere. I can’t wait to be out of this transitional period. It’s driving me a little batty, and I’m pretty much run down. I have been sick for the past week and finally went to the ENT and got on antibiotics for a sinus and ear infection after not being able to swallow all weekend. Fun times, ya’ll.

The end is in sight. More to come soon!


Fashion + Style Home Design + Decor

Shades of Green

March 17, 2017

green accessories, green home accessories, green clothing

Partially inspired by St. Patrick’s Day, this post is also inspired by a color palette I’ve really been drawn to lately. A few green wardrobe items have been in my closet for awhile, but I’ve also picked up a couple more lately. I love green home accessories as well. Jewel tones are probably my favorite shade, but I don’t really discriminate! Greenery is the 2017 PANTONE color of the year, and I love the natural feel it brings to a space. I’m heavily leaning on painting some cabinets a moody green color in the #lucasfamilyhome. My husband thinks I’m crazy! Stay tuned to see if I get my way. 😉 I really need to make that decision in the next week or so.

Here are a couple of green items that I already have in my closet and a few more to get the wheels turning for you. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Cheers!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


Fashion + Style Local

Statement Earrings

March 1, 2017

Statement earrings, tassel earrings, lightweight, pompom accessories 


statement earrings, lightweight, tassel, pompom accessories

statement earrings, tassel


These earrings scream “let’s day drink on the patio.” 🙂  I certainly don’t shy away from a bold pair of earrings as you can see here. I’ve seen a lot of lightweight tassel earrings and pompoms on accessories lately, so I wanted to embrace this trend just in time for spring!  I will be packing these for my much-needed beach vacation in a a few weeks. Just need that house to be done…

Sometimes statement earrings are hard on the ears, but these aren’t heavy at all like other beaded earrings. I love that they have a mix of a neutral grey color to balance out the bright pom poms. I will definitely pair these earrings with an airy white dress or maxi once we officially switch seasons.

There’s a ton more where these came from at Elaine Turner. They have SO many bright resort pieces right now and a whole selection of these vivid earrings made by Peruvian jewelry designer Alejandra Aspillaga.

Elaine Turner is hosting a spring trunk show at three of its locations in Houston over the new next few days, so you can get your hands on some of these beauties.

Houston friends: definitely stop by to see all the different styles! There are a ton of colorful options that are so, so perfect for spring and summer.

Thursday, March 2 / Elaine Turner BLVD Place, 5-8 p.m.

Friday, March 3 / Elaine Turner Rice Village, 12- 3 p.m.

Saturday, March 4 / Elaine Turner CityCentre 11-3 p.m.

Lastly, in case you didn’t know, there is a MAJOR Shopbop sale going on right now.  The ‘Buy More, Save More’ event is the perfect opportunity to stock up on warm weather clothing! Use the code GOBIG17 through March 4 to take advantage of the savings.

Outfit details: Statement Earrings c/o Elaine Turner | White tee | Denim shorts (old) similar here | Handbag